
SMU employees responsible for laboratory facilities and operations are required to follow this Laboratory 退役过程 prior to vacating any laboratory or other space where chemical, 生物, 或者使用或储存了放射性物质.

Events requiring decommissioning of a laboratory include:
Terminating affiliation with Southern Methodist University

首席研究员, 学术指导, lab director/manager and graduate student are fully responsible for complying with all laboratory decommissioning requirements. 在死亡的情况下, 残疾, 突然终止雇佣关系, 或者其他意外事件, the department head/division director becomes responsible for implementing the decommissioning procedure. Department head/division director are additionally responsible for oversight of the decommissioning procedure and for certifying that a vacated laboratory space has been properly decommissioned.

研究ers who are vacating shared spaces shall ensure that this procedure is implemented for their portion of the lab space. Graduate research projects must follow this procedure to decommission research materials and dispose of waste prior to completion of work and before the thesis or dissertation is signed. Effective identification of research materials/waste and appropriate disposal should be an integral component of the educational process when dealing with hazardous materials.

Departments/Divisions may incur significant costs as a result of laboratories and research materials that have not been properly decommissioned. Departments/Divisions are responsible for any deficiencies not corrected by the individual responsible for laboratory facility and/or research materials. Any regulatory actions or fines resulting from improper management or disposal of any regulated material may also accrue to the department/division.


Hazardous Materials - Remove chemical, 生物, and radiological agents prior to decommissioning. Be aware that numerous restrictions apply to the transfer of hazardous materials; EHS provides consultative assistance in the lawful transfer of these materials.

Chemicals – Coordinate chemical waste disposal with EHS at least 30 days prior to decommissioning. Unopened and uncontaminated chemicals can be returned to departmental stockrooms or redistributed among colleagues.

Compressed Gas Cylinders – Transfer to willing recipient, 返还给供应商, 或作为化学废物处理.

生物制品-处理生物废物, 潜在传染性物质, 按照EHS程序操作. Liquids can be decontaminated and poured down the drain. Coordinate with EHS for guidance on non-routine materials destruction.

放射性同位素, x光机, or instruments containing a radioactive source – Coordinate with EHS or departmental Radiation 安全 Officer (RSO) for disposal of waste or transfer of usable materials or equipment to another authorized user. All equipment must be cleared by RSO before sending to Surplus Property.

移除储存物品-移除所有玻璃器皿, 实验室研究仪器, 空的容器, 和其他设备. Storage areas, cabinets, and fume hoods must be completely emptied prior to decommissioning.

Clean and Decontaminate – Clean and decontaminate all laboratory surfaces, 包括通风柜里的人, 生物安全柜, 和化学储存区. General cleaning and chemical decontamination can be accomplished by washing with warm, soapy water. 以下情况可能需要进一步净化:

Biologicals – Areas that may have been exposed to spills can be decontaminated with 20% bleach solution or other suitable disinfectant.

放射性同位素 –Surfaces must be decontaminated and removal of surface contamination must be documented with wipe tests. Contact the departmental Radiation 安全 Officer to perform final survey and certify that laboratory can be released for unrestricted use.


Biosafety Cabinets – Wipe down all accessible surfaces (including the spill pan) with a suitable disinfectant.

Inspection – Schedule decommission inspection with EHS and the Department Chair. All deficiencies must be corrected before the laboratory can be certified as decommissioned. 在放射实验室, the Radiation 安全 Officer will need to inspect the lab and certify that the lab can be free-released for non-radiological use before the full decommissioning certification document is issued by the Department Head.

Recordkeeping – Department Chair retains original 退役的形式, 一份交给PI, 一份给EHS, and one copy prominently posted in the decommissioned area. Additional documentation may be required for special regulated hazards such as radioactive or 生物 materials.

Exceptions – In situations where it is impractical or unwarranted to remove all stored items, 包括化学物质, the department chair and PI may agree to make exceptions to this requirement. 例外情况应记录在例外情况页上, 双方签字, and posted with the Decommissioning Certification Form.

Questions on use of this procedure or form should be addressed to SMU 环境卫生 and 安全.
